Hello everyone, and by everyone I mean the two people who will actually read this, welcome to my Blog. I figured the internetz needed more lolz so I'm following in the footsteps of my other blogging friends, you know who you are. Now onto my posting.
Houston, we have a problem, my job is about to go the way of the dodo bird. For those not in the know, a few months ago the company I used to work for, Diablo Funding Group, filed for bankruptcy and left all the branches holding the bag, no pay, no vacation pay owed, no severance pay, nada! After a harrowing month left swinging in the mortgage meltdown breeze our branch was picked up by Indymac Bank, and that's where I currently call home. However, my bosses aren't big fans of Indymac (too much redtape, to corp. etc.) so they've decided to cut bait and find greener pastures, unfortunately the new company they just joined doesn't need the services of yours truly, so any day now I'm going to be laid off I'm guessing, 2nd time in 5 months (Joy!)
So here I sit quite contrary, fed up with corporations and not feeling too merry. I've been posting resumes and shaking the trees, so far nothing has materialized and the ticking of the clock that is my road to unemployment grows louder by the minute. (blech) The only silver lining to this cloud is that at least I'm still getting paid while I look for work, but most everyone has left our office and it's eerily quiet here, our office of 25 is now down to 8 and soon to be zero. I only hope I can find something soon that doesn't pay peanuts, I'd like to think all the hard work I've done here over the years would payoff in some sort of karma like bonus plan, so keep your fingers crossed for me and come back and check out the blog sometime, more cheerful news is right over the horizon god willing.
..The Final Countdown
update to the above post. Well our boss called us into the conference room around 3:30 and let us know that he officially resigned last Saturday and that corporate wanted all the loan agents resignations by the end of the day if they didn't plan on staying at Indymac. Shortly there after I was told that I have been laid off, and speaking of silver linings will receive 1 months severance pay, which is a hell of a lot more then Diablo Funding gave me. So, I'll return tomorrow morning, sign my HR stuff, pack up my little cubie possessions and start looking for a job like it's my job.
On the way home my cell phone rang and I looked to see who it was and it was my now former boss, so I let it go to voicemail :). He wants to know if the 50 inch monitor in the conference room is a plasma or lcd, for some reason he needed to know that, because he's taking it with him tonight, I texted him back "it's a plasma" why should he know, he's only the one who bought it. Someday I'll be lucky enough to liberate a 50 inch plasma from a conference room on a rainy evening due to a mortgage meltdown, ah to dream. Thank you all for your words of support thus far.